Thursday, April 21, 2011

The Hunt is On

We can call this our virtual field trip -- but I like the notion of a Distributed Scavenger Hunt:

On your marks, get set . . .  GO!
Place your five photos in YDIP 12 -- identifying which is which (i.e. Scavenger -- character) and if you wish, add a caption to enrich our viewing experience!

Since I had little feedback suggestiong chaged categories, we'll go with the following:

  • a photo that says "spring" (or "mud season," depending where you live)
  • a photo that takes advantage of the longer days (morning or evening)
  • a creative shot of an old building
  • a low-light shot of something in your area
  • a portrait of a local character

And I'd suggest you upload them as you go, rather than waiting until you have a full set.  Whoever gets the first full set will earn great respect for their efficiency.  Whoever submits fun creative images -- at any time -- will have our undying admiration.

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