Thursday, October 21, 2010

Update and Upgrade

Hi Folks:

I have just finished updating the lessons on both Camera Modes (PSAM etc.) and Depth of Field.  While looking at assignments and emailing with you, I have found that these have not been as clear as they should be.

Thanks to Duncan for piloting the youtube on Aperture Priority and recommending it for general use:  I've thrown in a few more, hoping they clarify some of these key concepts.  And if you find anything confusing or difficult, please let me know: I am sure when one person finds it tough going, others will as well.  I certainly appreciate the feedback.

And while thanking students, I have to thank Amanda Kruse for introducing me to the young British photographer, Rosie Hardy.  She has created some truly compelling images that have immediate emotional impact.  Check out her photostream.

Have fun making images!  I look forward to seeing your work.