Friday, January 28, 2011

Low Light Opportunity

Thanks to Barb McCracken's connections in the world of entertainment, students in the Fort St. John area have an opportunity to try some event photography in low light. 

All students are invited to the Lido Theatre on Tuesday February 1 to try their hands at this type of photography.  Doors open at 7:00 PM.  It will be a fine night of free entertainment by local talented artists — AND you can pass it off as homework!

Barb — who is a student in this course — already has some real experience in low-light event photography.  Check out some of her very cool images on her flickr photostream

(On a teacherly note, let me remind you that you can substitute any special project work for regular assignments).

An easier subject for low-light photography than
stage performers is a boat that sits still in the first 
light of dawn.  As is so often the case, the trick
seems to be balancing ambient and artificial light.

1 comment:

  1. Have fun everyone and post all your photos!! I look forward to seeing everyone's Low light photo drama :)
