Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Magic Hour

Any photographic magazine will tell you about "the magic hours:" those times just around sunrise and sunset when the light is wonderful for the photographer:  low in the sky, it provides texturing side-lights, warm with reds and oranges and pinks.

Since all of us live fairly far north — the Peace Country students in particular — we have a wonderfully long "magic hour" that in summer can stretch hour after  hour.  Here's a photo I took on Saturday, making the best use I could of the light in the minutes AFTER the sun had set.  (Of course I needed a tripod: even using - .7 EV).

So give yourself some time at sunrise and sunset to be outside with your camera, ready to capture some of that wonderful light!

1 comment:

  1. On a related topic: check out this great National Geographic article by Jim Richardson on taking photos in the rain.

    I don't know if I liked the tips or the photos more!

